Anti-Counterfeiting Policy
KP Components is an independent stockist of parts sourced from reputable OEM’s or franchised distributors in Europe and North America.
Counterfeiting is an unlawful activity causing serious problems that undermine the electronic components industry resulting in financial losses, disruption, injury or even death in extreme circumstances. The dramatic increase in counterfeit parts in recent years has also resulted in extra costs to the industry in mitigating the risks posed by this trade. KP Components are committed to playing their part in ensuring that counterfeit parts do not enter the market via the channels we operate in. Our integrity is vital to the reputation of our business so helping to keep counterfeit stock out of the market place is a key element in our business strategy.
KP Components has a quality control system in place that ensures all the stock we handle is physically inspected and all supporting documentation is rigorously scrutinised. Should KP Components come across counterfeit goods we will not hesitate to report the company and/or individual trying to sell these goods to the relevant authorities as well as law enforcement.
KP Components Limited
Unit 30 Berkeley House Business Centre
South Marston Industrial Estate
Swindon, Wiltshire
United Kingdom
KP Components Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company registration number 10269597.